My time to relax, after what I just had endured during the test week.The place was nice.
The river was clean, cold, shallow and nice to let my body to stay in the water. The current was just nice.
We started to burn charcoals to set up a cooking place. There was chickens, fishballs and also kerang(havent have seafood for quit a long time). As we were cooking, it started to rain. We have to cook under the 'pondok' that we rent. It was like playing "masak-masak" when i was young except that there was smoke and keeps getting into the eyes.
When the rain stops, the current was getting faster. The water was getting deeper and cloudy.
When I went to the water, i was moving following the current and had myself away from the picnic spot like 15m away.
When I go out from the river, i've notice there was something on my leg. It was a leech. I've also felt something behind and my leg and when i check it, there was another leach behind my leg.
So 2 leeches suck my blood hapilly. I just let them suck till it is satisfied.

Its better to let them suck the blood than try to remove them because it only sucks the 'darah kotor'.
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