Friday, November 28, 2008

Hurting People's Feelings

im not sure where to start....

probably i could ask myself with
"why do i hurt the feelings of the people i care"

as much im trying to be nice, i sometimes end up being the bad guy.....
never wanted to hurt anyone feelings but happens....
when this happens and i realized what i did, all i can think of how bad i felt and should apologize immediately.

this month i did it again....twice....
all i could say was " I'm sorry"...but im not hoping they will forgive me with what i did....even if my mood that time wasnt good.

im not sure why i hurt them....i never wanted to hurt them but..*sigh*

maybe i should go away....far away so i could not hurt them. i dont care if my feelings was hurt as long those people i care most are not hurt by me....but will it be easy?

i know im not a perfect person. i will always make mistakes and i will learn from it. by now i could have risen up my reputation as a most hated person.

i dont want to hurt anyone anymore.......

2 people need to say:

amoi_dulli said...

bg me..
knp sodih2 ni.?
cb try test story...
mengapakah suma ini.....?

Miq said...

i sound pathetic.....sore loser

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