As stated on the title above, last Saturday was an emergency. Where should i start? Okey…here we go, although i’m really bad at explaining things
My brother, Adek( my family call him Adek, his friends either call him achai or fardzi) was coming to my place to borrow my extra phone since his phone was stolen at his hostel. I only told him, if his coming, call 1st. He arrived at my place at noon. I opened the door…and here’s the emergency.
He was starting to act a bit strange, like avoiding a bee or something before starting to get the seizure. He collapsed in front of me, and i was panic at that time. He was drooling saliva and his eyeballs was rolling up. Shouted to get help, i wasn't sure what to do. All i could do was calling his name n ask my friends for help. They called for an ambulance from Serdang hospital.
When the seizure was stop, he was like in a deep sleep. Snoring really loud than usual. Tried to wake him up but he didn't responded. In between, he vomited something, i which i was curios what he ate. Something black and have a little blood on it.
When the ambulance arrived, my brother was like half conscious. Able to get into the ambulance but with help. He said that his head was spinning or something. Get to ride the ambulance for the 1st time with the siren switch on. Arrived at the hospital and immediately bring him to the emergency unit. I can only be there for a short time. Called my pap bout it…my mum was in China…n inform my other family via Facebook. Aunt Baisah was there around 3pm i think. I was very tired at that time, but not knowing what happen to him, i could only wait.
When i was allowed to come in, I was asked by the doctor about what happened. told her bout it n she told me what my brother got. He got the epilepsy (sawan). Besides that, she said that there was a cut on my brother tongue. Doc says they need to do some test and the result will take longer time. Aunt Baisah told me to go back first than come back later.
Later that evening, my brother was fully awake n i asked him if he remember anything bout what happened. He said that the only thing he knew was he was already in the hospital. He was later to be placed to the male ward.

On Sunday, i visited him again. The good thing is, he is in a good mood….bad thing is, my money for the month was almost gone (thankfully i wont spent much during puasa)
By Monday, he was allowed to go back. Pick him up and send him back to his hostel. I will need to bring him to HKL later than back to Serdang later for his appointments. I’m just glad that he is OK.