I'm really excited with the movie line up this year......
Last year i think Batman and Ironman realluy hit the spotlights....
This year it's getting better....
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
-vampires vs lycans(werewolf)...a prequal....no Selena (Kate Bekinsale) guys...
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
-Hell yeah!! Didnt expect it to be a real movie. Another fav when i was a kid.
Hope Snake Eyes looks cool....dont think so Sgt Slaughter will be in this movie but if he does....WOW!!
Sherlock Holmes
-love detective movies, and i hope this would be a good movie
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
-after that big hit in the first movie, expectation is quite high. Rumours has it that Megatron is back taking the form of a tank....but he is not the main bad guy. Jet Fire is in and could merge with Optimus Prime
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
-besides having our fav Wolverine, Gambit is in this too, so does Deadpool
-An Alan Moore original. the trailer looks exciting...
Fast and Furious
-Van Diesel and Paul Walker is back....
Dragon Ball
-expextation are high....Chi Chi looks hot...LOL
Harry Potter(cant remember what number)
-although im not a fan, i know there's a lot of people are willing to camp outside the cinema to be the 'early birds'
what else aaaaa....i still havent watch Punisher:War Zone....
Jadwal Euro Malam Ini
8 months ago
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