Like me, i really had a hard time in search for a nice gift for someone.....
For that matter, i have ask some of my friends for their opinion.
"buy the most expensive gift. she would love it.....", for that i have quite an expensive budget. i already had something in mind.
i never really think bout the consequence of buying an expensive gift....
"aiya Bang need to buy that expensive......"
that's what my cousin, Amoi told me.
Erm...ok...but what should i buy?
i have to ask her for opinions since she's a girl....i dont have sisters....but Amoi is like a sister to me.
She knows better.....i'm still learning.
Even the last time i bought a birthday gift for someone, i had to ask my girl that right.... or female friends?...
btw, i have to ask their opinion. i'm not sure what girl really likes.....
i remember i bought this thing for a friends birthday.....

during those time, this thing wasnt available in KK, and that present too i put it inside a kettle jug box....talking bout being creative. i went out to find a birthday gift.....
there were lots of things i could buy but i dont know which is the best....
i learn few rules when buying gifts for girls......
but somehow i is a 'NO' does erm...'anklet' ...i could not think others....
looking at these things, i could not decide which is the best.....

keep thinking bout what she likes.....such as colours....
other than that...erm....i know she's likes something like arts....
what else.....cats? chocolate? baking materials?......ok...that's a bit ridiculous
alright...i finally pick 2 pair of of earrings for her birthday.....
i was happy with my selection...after some 'consultation;'....
i'm not sure when girls buying gifts for they have the same problem like guys?
i dont know...maybe just us guys....or maybe some of the guys(like me la...).....
Then i realize, getting a gift for someone is not just getting them so they can remember us....
(not hoping to get a gift during birthday...etc..)
its all bout how our heart these people important to us...what they mean to it?
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Dah tau dah!!
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