Monday, February 9, 2009

Love All Week

With Valentine on the weekend, i just realize its also Chap Goh Meh....last day of the Chinese Nu Year celebration (its not late to wish Happy Chinese Nu Year i guess)....its also knwon as the Valentine Day for the Chinese.
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Guys, if u wanna have a chinese girl as ur life partner tonights the night where the girls will throw oranges into the lake or river(sea i'm not sure)...
prepare a big net...hahahaha
i've read that these days the oranges(or some other fruits like banana) will contain info such as name and phone that desperate? Maybe with the number of girls in this world is 4 times the men....or maybe more....

Talking about V-day, I dont really celebrate it, reasons
i/ its not a public holiday
ii/fatwa states it as haram
iii/whom am i gonna celebrate it with...

I remember someone giving me a V-day card....calling me a 'prince'...hehe...although i know who my admirer was, we just ended up being friends....i think i still have that card back home.
Besides that, the most common gift i got is chocolate...which i was happily to eat it.

I think there's gonna be a lot of love songs, love movie to be watch and listen during these few days. Even magazines and newspaper is fill with article regarding to V-Day.
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Sometimes i wonder why some people willing to spend lots of money just to show their love on that day. If its just chocolate, card and a gift, its OK. Why can it on other day? If those people are married, its OK i guess but people who are not married.Heard that lots of young couple losing their virginity on V-Day. So i heard....

The thing is, love is a good thing, if its properly manage. If not, it could make life worst.Free Smiley Face Courtesy of

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