and i'm bit glad some of those have been completed....
friday was the busiest with presentation, test and a talk.....
have to sacrifice some of my sleeps to do this....
glad my group presentation went well...
some of the group have to do it again, both report and presentation...felt kesian for them
Saturday.....the day that i have been waiting....
a rest day and i've decided to go to KL to watch Watchmen.....

went to watch the movie with....
ok...that's all a much with my dating fantasy...hahahaha
went to watch the movie alone.....
as i was on my way to KL, i've notice there's quiet a number of road block along the way to KL, at least 3 road block's i've pass....not sure what's it all about.
upon reaching KL, have to take the komuter to go to Midvalley.....
inside the train, there were a group of girls sitting on the floor....
wearing shorts and .....errr.......i guess its call a tube or string.....i'm not sure...
well....i've notice all the guys eyes in that train were focussing on that group of girls....
even some give them that wolf wistling...
cant blame them .....
as i reach MV, not many people were there to watch the movie....
probably it's still early and people havnt woke up yet.....
or maybe most of the shops havent open yet
wont review much about the movie..i'll do it later....
as much as the story follows that famous graphic novel of the same title....
some of it were not as same as the comic...particularry the end part.....
the movie was about 2.5 hours....should have bought extra popcorn and drinks.....
i was planning to buy myself a KR Kabuto Belt
but so dissapointed as i was not available that time

I'm quite a fan of this series...hahaha.....
so far, i think this KR is the best among all KR Heisei series.....
its on NTV7....cant remeber what time.....
saja want to buy....just to show off to my nephew how cool KR are compare to Ultraman's
Malaysia is quiet late in showing the KR series....
Kabuto is the 7th series
while in Japan it's already its 10th series......KR Decade (the first pink Rider)
its been raining in the evening this few weeks....
got myself stuck in KL due to rain....
planning to go to BB....but i was already went back home....
on my way back, there are still road blocks on the road......
wanted to ask them..but i didnt....
somehow now i'm hungry, and i think i wanna get my lunch....
btw, monday is public holiday....
salam maulidur rasul all
1 people need to say:
now i nkow....( i think)
the road blocks were to prevent from illegal gathering....avoiding KL to become havoc
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