or maybe i should blame the uni for doing a 'good' job with the acdemic calender.....
this week, Watchmen is gonna be in the movie....and i really wanna watch it
although i know what happens from reading its book, i really wanna watch in live action.....

i watch a bit of Roschach's journal which come's from the early part of the movie....
it was really cool.....making Roschach a new fav comic character of mine......
i really wanna watch it but i dont know with who....(last2 tengok sorang2)
not only i have the 12 comic series but also 1 part of the animated comic....i'm planning to get the other 11 animated comic.....
then i realize, Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li is also on the movie this month....
I kinda love to play the game......
Its the 2nd movie from the same title which Van Damme was the main character....
yeah i remember that movie.....what about Ryu or Ken?
heh...its been a long time i last watch a movie in the cinema....
who wants to go watch movie with me this weekend? i belanja ^_^
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