Another boring weekend. Didn't do much yesterday.
The usual...laundry, clean my room, surf the net, games....arrrggghhh....totally bored!!
Yesterday too i forgot to wake up for sahur....
The past few nights I've been watching movies that were based on a comic book.
30 Days of Night, Wanted, The Incredible Hulk.....not sure what i'll be watching tonight.
For today, i'll be doing my assignments.....then have to complete my LI form...
and also my CIDB green card application. So many things need to do just for next week.
Just realize its been 2 weeks since Ramadhan. By now or maybe tomorrow, the Raya mood will be kickin....Raya ads will be everywhere, Raya songs can be listen at the radio or TV....well my Raya mood havent started up yet. I have 3 test next 2 weeks. So after those test, i'll start my Raya mood then maybe if I aint lazy, maybe i'll go for a last minute raya shoping in KL. Then i'll go back to KK with my cousin. I know she's eager to go back, so do I. Cant wait to go back to my family...

Can't say anything much.....that's how i felt now...have to be more patient.....have to be more a better person....have to improve like almost everything within me....
1 people need to say:
still got a week to go..
i wana go back bg me!
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