Its been rainin these few days.....and it makes me to get fever and cold....sigh
Saturday...a boring day....i have almost like let my lappy on the whole day since...4 in da morning.
Suppose to be a laundry day but not worth it if its raining.....
Yesterday, before breaking fast as usual, I went to the gym to do some excersice. Just an hour in the gym would be just my surprise i have lost about 5kg since the start of Ramadhan...yippie..
so in da gym, the usual workout for me...cycling, running and rowing. Between those workout, I'd do some weight lifting sort of stuff. da usual workout takes about an hour or more but since it was Ramadhan, i could only manage to do less than an hour. 10 minutes of cycling, 10 minutes of running (the usual would be 30 minutes) and no rowing...rowing will take me at least 10 minutes for a 2km row. During running, my chest was getting thight....hard to breath...thats why i only did 10 minutes..... Then did some weight lifting.....somehow my right arm was more...erm..muscular then my left arm(ahaks).....probably i use more of my right arm then my left....
today...most of the time im on the front of my lappy....trying to make my blog a bit nicer...but still looks lame to me( still noob in this thing). Watch some tv series...... House, Prison Break(2 hours of the latest season), Sassy Girl Chun Hyang and Naruto. Maybe I'll watch some new movie tonight.....not sure what i'll be watching tonite....
Im bored.....all alone by myself.....dont know what to do.....i could study....but...erm....sigh...
Think im going to be insane in the next few weeks....hopefully not....REALLY BORED!!!!
reading comics..done..playing bullets....clean up my room....erm.....maybe later..hahaha
Hopefully tomorrow wont be another boring day for me.......
Jadwal Euro Malam Ini
8 months ago
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