I'm goin to balik kampung winthin the next few hours. Didnt sleep the usual....only 3 hours...probably the excitement to balik kampung. Currently im listening to Sudirman's Balik Kampung which is quite an old time favourite for most of us when going back during Raya.
Yesterday, went to KL for my last minute Raya shopping. Didnt buy much, only 2 shirt's, a sandal, a bag and another novel graphic(The Question: Zen and Violence). Went to shop from 9.00am till 10.00pm.....so tired and my back hurts. Then watch Manchester United game with Bolton which MU won 2-0.
I'll be coming back to Uni next saturday coz i'm having 2 more test before my finals which comes in the following month. Means a week of holiday and after that a month of preparing for my finals. Perhaps during those time i wont be updating my blog.
Havent pack up my things and sahur yet. Perhaps i should do it now.
To all of you who will be balik kampung, hope you guys have a pleasent journey.
For those who have sent me a Raya greeting, thanks and sorry that i couldnt reply on time.

Will be back within a week.
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